

It's good enough if by the end of 3rd year or 4th year, i already got engaged. I really suggest myself an early marriage. Haha, only if i got the chance insya-Allah.

Kenapa tiba-tiba post pasal marriage ni kan? Hihi, well, just now saya ada kelas parenting kat kuliyyah of education. We got quite an interesting instructor. She originally studied here in IIUM. But already graduated long long time ago. Its been about 23 years already since she started working here. Wah, lama tu.

Then we were divided into groups, each group with 7 members. Just a group of discussion. She gave us topic regarding students who do not have partner yet before graduating, what will happened after they graduate? We talked a lot while discussing. Some seemed out of original topic haha.

After such a lot of discussion about matchmaking marriage, love before marriage, delayed marriage, and many else, the feeling of wanting to get married seems constructing. Haha i don't know why myself. But, that feeling flows with the will to make it because of Allah. To avoid fitnahs. To complete half of our iman. To get closer to Allah with someone leading us. Not just want to feel how is it to be loved or what so ever, no. Absolutely not. That kind happiness and all, insya-Allah we will treasure them after that. Love after marriage especially hehe. What i am talking about, hopefully anyone who read this could understand well. And please don't misunderstood any of what i'm trying to say.

My father encourage me to get married early. But because i don't have the chance (or i can say 'anyone') yet, i'll just wait until the right time come. Allah does not let me yet because HE knows, i'm not ready yet. HE knows best, and yes, i trust Him.

So MARRIAGE, greet me when i'm already prepared for you. Mentally and physically. And if by chance you come earlier than i expected, i'll try to make the choice well insya-Allah. 




Yesterday we went out for breakfast at serdang. Then macam biasa orang datang mintak order. Tetiba perasan asap berkepul-kepul dari belakang. Sampai pening kepala saya dibuatnya. Rupa-rupanya orang belakang merokok. My parents sat right behind him, and he was still able to do that. Rasa sedih bila tengok orang buat macam tu. Takde unsur respect pada yang lebih tua, malah dengan bangga menghembur-hemburkan asap rokoknya ke kiri ke kanan. Tak terfikir ke dia berapa ramai orang sekeliling dia yang berisiko lebih besar dari dia hanya kerana asap rokok dia?

His partner was also doing the same thing. Talking while eating while smoking while drinking. I don't understand why they still have the guts to do that even after people have given them signs to stop immediately. You are risking people around. That's the fact, and while knowing this fact, you can still proudly smoking in the middle of people. O Allah, show them the right path in this. Sedarkan mereka, sudah ramai yang terkorban kerana asap rokok.

I'm not saying i hate every and each smoker. I know not all of them are like this. I don't want to create negative image of them because as i said, some of them consider this well. And also, i'm not trying to make a statement that they cannot smoke anymore nor it's prohibited from now on. No, absolutely not. This is not what i'm trying to do. It's okey if you really cannot leave this habit (But i still hope they can try reduce this habit), but please, at least consider the others, consider the place you want to smoke, consider the effects on others. If you cannot help people with good things, then at least don't make life difficult for them.

Apapun, saya doakan semoga Allah bukakan pintu hati para perokok supaya mereka dapat muhasabah balik baik buruk tabiat merokok ni. Dan semoga mereka juga dapat kurangkan tabiat ni. Biarlah slow slow pun, asalkan ada pertambahan baik kan hehe. Akhir kata, maaf jika ayat saya di sini agak kasar atau mengguris hati sesiapa. Semoga Allah berkati kita semua. Amin.



When everybody put hopes on you, you will discover sense of responsibility. From here on, you will start to realize, that you can be reliable towards others.

But remember, do not be too proud because of that, just stay grateful and set your intention right.

Have trust in you yourself and make a wish to do your very best.

Be sincere in whatever situation, and always act rationally without letting any of your decision get influenced by your personal emotion.

Accept others opinion as long as it may lead to a good result.

Always remind yourself, good things you did come from Allah and bad things you did come from your own self. Then you will never involve yourself with the crowd of proud.

Don't do good things to get praise from others, do it because you are sincerely doing it. With hopes that Allah's bless will always be there for you.

Stay humble, stay calm. And once again, stay grateful.

Last but not least, of course, be happy. Because you have been choosen to be someone.

So prove that you are really someone. Hehe :D



Baru ni saya dapat berita seorang teman sekolah saya yang boleh dikatakan antara yang rapat sangat dengan saya dulu akan sambung belajar ke uk insya-Allah. Dia akan sambung degree di sana, and ditanggung mara. Alhamdulillah, saya tumpang gembira dengar berita tu.

Tapi dalam masa yang sama, rasa sebak pun ada. Teringat rapatnya kitorang time form 1 sampai form 3 dulu. Even sampai sekarang pun kitorang selalu jugak keluar jalan sama-sama. Saya tahu saya rasa sebak sebab saya sayangkan dia. Walaupun kami dah tak mampu untuk jumpa selalu tiap hari macam dulu, tapi kami tetap dekat antara satu sama lain. Hati kami terasa dekat.

Saya gembira dia dapat sambung belajar di sana, tapi dalam masa yang sama, saya rasa sayu jugak bila terkenang yang dia akan pergi jauh. Masing-masing semakin jauh membawa haluan masing-masing dalam hidup. Hari dulu kita begitu dekat, tapi hari ni dah lain. Dia akan pergi jauh, dan saya pun akan bawa haluan saya sendiri.

Walaubagaimanapun, ukhuwah ni akan kami jaga dan pelihara. Supaya bukan jarak yang menentukan dekat atau jauh ikatan antara kami, tapi punca kekuatan ikatan ini, yakni Allah SWT. Insya-Allah, jika hubungan ini tercipta elok keranaNya, kekallah ia sampai ke syurga. Amin.

With full of love specially for you, dayang :)



Bila masa berlalu, teman yang rapat kian jauh terasa.

Bila hati terkaku sayu, air mata mengalir lesu.

Bila detik manis di suatu ketika bermain di minda, senyum hiba terukir tanpa sedar.

Ya Allah, andai ukhuwah kami terikat keranaMu, eratkan ia sampai bila-bila. Tapi jika ia bukan benar-benar keranaMu, sedarkan kami, ampunkanlah kami. Detik ini, hati menangis sayu mengenang jarak antara kita kini. Semoga Allah berkati :')